ADA Compliant Pool Lifts

Starting March 15, 2012, all public swimming pools in the U.S. must be equipped with assisted entry systems. Disabled Americans will be able to enjoy the health and leisure benefits of public pools.

AZ Pool Lift Installation
provided by Pool Side, Inc.
PO Box 43226 Phoenix AZ, 85080
Phone: (602) 298 – 0344
ADA Compliant Pool Lifts
Disabled Persons Pool Lifts
Fully Installed Pool Lifts

ADA compliant pool liftStarting March 15, 2012, all public swimming pools in the U.S. must be equipped with assisted entry systems. When this American Disability Association (ADA) compliance law takes effect next March, disabled Americans around the nation will be able to enjoy the health and leisure benefits of public pools. As part of the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design, regulations of the Accessible Design for Recreational Facilities will require all public pools and spas to be outfitted with an ADA compliant swimming pool lift or sloped entry.

Such pool lifts will be required for public pools (open to the public at any time or receiving funding or revenue from the government or membership dues) greater than 300 linear feet (91.4 m). Pools greater than 300 feet will need two means of assisted entrance, while those less than 300 linear feet will only require one assisted entry system – either a swimming pool lift or sloped entry. For those pools requiring two assisted entries, a transfer wall, transfer system or stairs will be necessary in addition to a pool lift or sloped entrance. Wading pools, wave pools, leisure rivers and spas will also need a lift, sloped entry, transfer wall or transfer system.

All ADA complaint swimming pool and spa lifts must follow a stringent set of guidelines in accordance with the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design. To view the complete list, visit Department of Justice’s ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010)

ADA Pool Lift


ADA Pool Lift

Swimming Pool Lift | Disabled Pool Lifts | ADA Pool Lifts | Handicap Pool Lifts | Portable Pool Lifts | ADA Compliant Pool Lift | Pool Chair Lift | Pool Lifts For Disabled | Swimming Pool Lifts For Handicapped